Five Tips for Using Wrist Wraps During Deadlifting

If you are into heavy weight training; you are likely to use wrist wraps for support. Using a wrist wrap for weightlifting is ideal as it can help prevent injuries. Deadlifting is one of the best weight training exercises for many health reasons. It can strengthen your entire body. It is a total-body exercise that involves lifting weights on bars up to your hip level. For proper support, wearing wrist wraps can be quite beneficial in this regard.
Consider these five tips for using wrist wraps during deadlifting.
1. Use strong wrist wraps
It is best to use sturdy and durable wrist wraps for weightlifting. For deadlift exercises, you need to offer maximum support to the wrists. So, ensure that you use only the best quality wrist wraps.
Ideally, the wrists shouldn’t twist easily during deadlift exercises if you wear strong wrist wraps. You should also feel comfortable wearing the wrist wraps. The wraps should offer support but not dig into your skin.
The Velcro should be really strong and sewed on well. The fit of the wrap around the wrist should be snug but still comfortable.
2. Wear them right
It is also important to wear wrist wraps properly. You need to wear them right on your wrists – not above or below. Even if the wrap is above the wrists by a few centimeters; the support you receive via them will lessen.
Wrap them around the wrist right before your workout and check them a second time to confirm if they sit well or not. It is important to pay attention to the task when you are wearing the wraps around the wrists. Don’t do it while you are distracted or conversing with someone.
If you have just started to use wrist wraps for weightlifting, you need to be extra careful about wrapping them right. Once you get into the habit of using them; the wrapping part will come easily. You will be able to do it quickly too.
3. Use them only during weightlifting
Wearing wrist wraps throughout your workout is unnecessary. Wearing wrist wraps for warm-ups and other exercises will restrict the development of proper strength in your wrists. So, be careful to not become too dependent on wrist wraps.
You need stronger wrists, arms, and body strength for deadlift and other weight training exercises. So, make sure to increase strength in your wrists by restricting the use of wrist wraps. Wearing wrist wraps for weightlifting will help prevent injuries, which are likely with such heavy exercises. The only exception is when you are using wrist wraps to heal a wrist injury. In that case, wear your wrist wraps until the healing is complete (but only if you are comfortable wearing it). If your doctor recommends wearing wrist wraps over the injuries to reduce the pain; by all means try doing so during the healing process.
4. Focus on safety training
Wearing wrist wraps doesn’t make you immune to injuries. You still need to pay attention during your training and adopt all the safety protocols required for weightlifting exercises
Wrist wraps offer protection to the wrists. But it helps to not lose your focus during deadlift exercises just because you feel comfortable and strong. Continue to focus on training safely at all times. Yes, do not neglect to wear the wrist wraps either. Both measures are necessary when you perform deadlift and other weightlifting exercises.
5. Treat the injuries
Do not neglect your wrist injuries and hide it under the wrist wraps during your training. If your wrists are injured; you need to treat them properly before you can lift weights again.
Wrist wraps are not to be used to hide mobility issues either. Your arms and wrists need to be in perfect working conditions; only then wearing wrist wraps will offer you full benefits. Hiding weak wrists or serious injuries under the wraps isn’t going to help you at all. So, follow the instructions of your doctor and treat the injuries on your wrist and arms before you begin to perform weightlifting exercises again. Wearing wrist wraps can help with minimizing the pain but only if you are also undergoing proper treatment.